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James M Driskill created a poll.

If this windows support group will not provide the forum necessary to conduct a moral standing on the issues, the site of is being captured into that role ---- you really should be telling the community the actual level of the blood, guts, and gore of hate, discrimination, alienation, prejudiced that is out in the community rather than living life with a permanent "rose colored glasses" --- an eye-ware of perceptional blindness that is a maligned blurry visioned ignorance of focus to matters of grave loss in trust, confidences, and the common wealth of greater standards of care in all that is HIV/AIDS here in the United States and Globally. We can reach to a higher since of collective conscience or better termed "Augmented Conscience" that I know I hold upon us to do it better reaching of the level quality of
Adinkra NSAA --- Excellence :
To @FBI Community Cultural Health #DeleteFacebook Combined
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
#SocialTrust Quotient Is Below Community Continued Wellness…/27/the-lefts-denmark-envy/…
"“Social trust” is, well, what it sounds like: How much do you trust your neighbors? And in turn, how trustworthy are they? In a low-trust place such as Greece, people don’t trust their neighbors not to cheat, which in turn makes them more likely to cheat themselves, because why should you stay honest when everyone else is getting away with something? This affects everything: whether people pay their taxes, whether they take benefits they don’t really need, how easy it is to regulate companies. And social trust also works as a productivity booster, because you can do away with a lot of the cumbersome monitoring that is ubiquitous in modern societies — the supervisors who oversee low-level workers, the store clerks who keep an eye on the customers. Every worker who is not making sure that people don’t steal or shirk can be re-employed doing something that actually increases output.
The United States simply doesn’t have that level of trust. And while it would be nice to think that we could get there if companies and government simply stopped acting so suspicious, the fact is that they frequently act suspicious because, well, Americans cheat more than Danes do. (Compare, for example, the American and Danish rates of tax evasion). Moreover, the mutual suspicion that Americans feel for each other restricts the range of politically feasible policies. Even if people aren’t cheating on benefits, if there is a widespread social belief that your fellow citizens might, you will not be willing to support a generous welfare state. (This helps explain why support is highest for old-age benefits in the United States; it’s hard to fake turning 65)."
Another Topic Themed Article:…/382cc4b2-a91e-11e7-92d1-58…
How the erosion of trust leads to murders and mass shootings
By Randolph Roth October 6, 2017
Randolph Roth is a professor of history and sociology at Ohio State University and the author of “American Homicide.”
"When society is functioning well, we should, at the very least, be able to trust that the people around us won’t try to kill us. And yet, after a mass shooting, we may wonder. We may worry in the subsequent days and weeks as we send our kids off to school, ride public transportation to work, join the crowd at a concert, settle into the pews at church. For some people, that fear may mean avoiding certain places, at least for a time. For others, it means arming themselves in defense. After the 2015 shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., gun sales spiked most in the immediate vicinity, suggesting that safety concerns, more than concerns about potential changes to gun laws, drove those purchases.
But while we all know from experience that shootings can lead to faltering trust, the reverse appears to be true as well. My research has found that declining trust in our institutions, our social structures and one another leads to more lethal violence, including mass murder. As abstract as these sentiments may seem, they predispose certain people to kill. In fact, they explain homicide rates better than any other factor, including unemployment, guns, drugs or a permissive justice system.
When we lose faith in our government and political leaders, when we lack a sense of kinship with others, when we feel we just can’t get a fair shake, it affects the confidence with which we go about our lives. Small disagreements, indignities and disappointments that we might otherwise brush off may enrage us — generating hostile, defensive and predatory emotions — and in some cases give way to violence. "
Please answer the following poll to your belief on
#SocialTrust loss to full society collapse is the path we are riding. Do you agree?

            [ You do not need to approve this post -- it is an FYI declation of intention ] : Note, I have shared your group page to my group page Local HIV Community Leadership Denver Colorado USA -- With a pre-attended comment. I have requested several content posting on this subject matter that does not get approved. This group is not an for humor good times gay old days only content --- as the content that I have to bring to this forum is relevant to the community. By continuing to censor the truth in these matters, it is a hateful aftereffect you are instilling into our culture community. My latest request posting here at Pozplanet is already cross public archived posted to the following URL:

            […/… ]

            I will not be censored!


            I am Telling The Truth --- They Are The Ones Who Have Lied!
            #ConspiracyExposed :
            The Haters Have Been Allowed To Win.

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